Messenger Speech Therapy is now a Natural Language Acquisition-trained provider!
Speech Therapy
Messenger Speech Therapy is a Fun, Therapeutic Space where inclusion & acceptance are Prioritized!
speech Assessment
A combination of formal and informal assessments, parent/caregiver interviews, observations and play-based interactions will be used to determine your child’s speech, language, and/or social-skill needs.
Evaluations include a formal written report indicating your child’s strengths, areas of struggle and our treatment recommendations.
*If your child has recently received an evaluation from their school or another provider an evaluation may not be necessary.
Speech Therapy
Speech therapy services are provided for toddlers & school-aged children aged 1-15 years.
Sessions are designed to help every child achieve his or her full potential and communicate more effectively in the places he or she lives, learns, and plays.
Since family members and teachers are important pieces in the therapeutic process, sessions also target parent/teacher education.
Expertise Areas
Childhood Apraxia of Speech
Early Intervention (Birth to Three years)
Speech Sound Disorders
Phonological Disorders
Natural Language Acquisition
Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
Neurodiversity-affirming & non-behavioral based services to build communication skills in autistic children
Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders
Phonological Awareness skills using the Integrated Phonological Awareness program
Natural Language Acquisition
Does your child communicate using delayed echolalia (scripting)?
Do they repeat questions, books, and movies, but have a hard time generating spontaneous language?
Your child might be a gestalt language processor. Gestalt language processors process language in chunks rather than one word at a time.
The Natural Language Acquisition approach is used to guide us in helping a child move from echolalia to self-generated (original, flexible) language.
PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets is a tactile-kinesthetic (touch and feel) approach where an SLP places his/her hands on the client’s face to guide his/her jaw, lips, and tongue to move correctly to form words.
This approach can be used with all speech sound disorders including articulation, apraxia of speech, and dysarthria.
Dynamic Tactile & Temporal Cueing (DTTC) is a treatment approach designed for children with childhood apraxia of speech. It is designed to improve the brain’s ability to plan and program motor movements for speech.
Cues are provided and then faded to promote independence. The child is provided with frequent practice of target words, with focus on movement between sounds.
ChildhooD Apraxia of Speech
A thorough evaluation will be completed to diagnose childhood apraxia of speech (depending on the child's ability to participate).
A variety of approaches will be utilized to treat Childhood Apraxia of Speech:
Kaufman successive approximations
Bjorem Speech Sound Cues
Multi-sensory cues
Programming a wide variety of devices for individuals needs including direct selection (direct touch and eye gaze) and indirect selection (eye gaze)
Utilizing low tech, mid tech, and high tech AAC systems
Writing and obtaining approvals for insurance funded speech generating devices (SGD)
Competency with the following SGD/softwares: The Prentke Romich Company (PRC), Tobii Dynavox, and iPad based communications softwares (TouchChat, LAMP-Words For Life, & Proloquo2Go)
Speech Sound Disorders
Speech sound disorders often involve substitutions of one sound for another (/w/ for /r/ as in "wabbit" for "rabbit") or sound distortions, such a frontal or lateral lisp. Most children can say almost all sounds correctly by the age of 5.
Children with phonological disorders exhibit consistent patterns of sound substitutions or omissions. The more phonological patterns a child exhibits the more difficult they are to understand.